This Moringa Toothpaste is the key to a healthy, bright smile. Moringa is an incredibly useful herb to have in your toothpaste. It contains powerful anti-microbial, anti-bacterial, anti-inflammatory properties that keep your teeth and gums clean and healthy.
The toothpaste also contains myrrh oil and sage oil, both of which have anti-microbial properties for a fresh mouth and anti-inflammatory properties and that help with tooth pain and inflamed gums.
White oak bark also has anti-septic properties that gets rid of bacteria, helps with gingivitis and targets inflammation, sores, and tooth pain. The toothpaste also contains banana peel, which acts as a natural whitener.
Organic Ingredients: Myrrh Oil, Sage Oil, White Oak Bark, Banana Peel, Menthol
Sold By Afrotise